The Dawn of a New Era is Upon Us

– Rajendra


In the grand tapestry of human history, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment of transition—an epochal shift from a paradigm grounded in materialism to one that embraces the profound depths of spiritual enlightenment. The dawn of this new era heralds a transformational journey that traverses intellectuality, societal reform, and spiritual awakening. In this comprehensive exploration, we embark on a profound odyssey towards understanding the intricate interplay between humanity’s technological advancements, socioeconomic structures, and the timeless quest for divine realisation.

“The world is moving rapidly from physicality to intellectuality. A day is sure to come when this intellectuality will be transformed into spirituality. Just as the intellectual age is fast approaching, the spiritual age will also come in the very near future.”

 (Plexi and Microvita by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti )

1. Unveiling the Intellectual Renaissance:

The contemporary landscape is defined by an unprecedented surge in intellectual prowess fueled by exponential technological growth and innovation. From the advent of artificial intelligence to the proliferation of quantum computing, humanity stands on the cusp of a new renaissance—an era marked by the convergence of human ingenuity and scientific discovery. Yet, amidst this dazzling array of technological marvels, there lies a deeper yearning—a longing for meaning and purpose that transcends the confines of the material world.

2. Capitalism and the Cult of Consumerism:

It is like a dog chewing a bone. There is nothing in the bone but while chewing the dog’s lips get cut and bleeding starts. The dog sucks its blood, taking it to be the juice coming out of the bone due to ignorance, lack of intellect. Even though the dog is getting hurt it imagines that it is licking happiness. To achieve Permanent or infinite happiness is not possible in the objective world. There has to be a subjective approach, a divine approach  through an objective adjustment to keep this body and mind healthy to move towards subjectivity, divinity, and infinite happiness which every human aims as a birthright.

Within the crucible of capitalist ideology, individuals are ensnared in a web of consumption and competition, perpetuating a cycle of materialistic pursuits devoid of spiritual fulfilment. The relentless pursuit of profit and power has engendered a culture of greed and exploitation, wherein the value of human life is eclipsed by the imperatives of economic growth. As technological advancements continue to reshape the fabric of society, it becomes increasingly imperative to interrogate the underlying assumptions of capitalism and envision alternative models that prioritise human well-being over profit margins.

3. Beyond the Illusion of Separation:

At the heart of the human condition lies a fundamental yearning for connection—a longing to transcend the illusion of separation and unite with the cosmic tapestry of existence. Yet, the prevailing paradigm of materialism fosters a sense of disconnection and isolation, perpetuating the belief that we are separate entities adrift in a vast and indifferent universe. It is only through the cultivation of spiritual awareness and the recognition of our inherent divinity that we can pierce the veil of separation and embrace the interconnectedness of all life.

 Isaac Newton, widely known for his contributions to science and mathematics, also had some thoughts on spirituality, particularly in relation to his scientific inquiries.

“Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done.”

4. The Path of Spiritual Awakening:

The journey towards spiritual awakening is a multifaceted odyssey, encompassing the realms of self-discovery, mindfulness, and transcendence. Through meditation, yoga, and contemplation, individuals embark on a profound quest to uncover the eternal truths that lie dormant within their souls. As the veils of illusion are lifted and the light of consciousness shines forth, individuals awaken to the radiant splendour of their true nature—a divine essence that transcends the limitations of time and space. 

What is Yoga on the spiritual level? It is to become one with Parama Puruśa. When you become one with Parama Puruśa, you are getting everything, but you are losing nothing. You are losing the name of your little “I” and nothing else and in return, you are getting the Supreme “I”, the big “I”. This is Yoga in the spiritual sphere.

“Some people think that Yoga means a particular exercise, No, no, no: Yoga does not mean exercise. Yoga means unification. It is the Supreme definition of Yoga.

It is common won’t in each and every human mind and that wont differentiate human beings from animals, people from plants. What is that difference? That spiritual wont is called human Dharma. What is Dharma? Human beings want to expand, and secondly, they want to become one with the Cosmic Body. Thirdly they want to do something noble and the fourth thing is that they want peace, Supreme peace, undisturbed peace. These are the four special qualifications of human beings. Collectively you may say, it is the human mode.

Yoga is the path of progress, the path of development for every human being. Nobody can keep himself or herself away or aloof from that track of Yoga. Yoga is Dharma. So in individual life, we should practise Yoga, and in collective life, we should encourage others to practise Yoga. It is the solution of all human ailments in the physical stratum, in the psychic stratum and also in the spiritual stratum.”

Shrii Shrii Anandamurti,12 September 1979, Haifa.

5. Collective Evolution and Social Transformation:

The realisation of spiritual enlightenment is not merely an individual pursuit but a collective endeavour that necessitates the transformation of society at large. The entrenched systems of inequality and oppression that pervade modern civilization stand as barriers to this collective evolution, perpetuating cycles of suffering and injustice. To usher in a new era of spiritual enlightenment, we must work tirelessly to dismantle these systems of oppression and cultivate a society that honours the inherent dignity and worth of every sentient being on the line of a Universal Ideology,” Atma Mokchartham, Jagat Hitaya ca,” meaning ‘Self realisation and Service to all’ to achieve our vision,” Sarve atra sukhinah bhavantu , sarve santu niramayah, Sarve bhadrani pasyantu , na kaschid dukh mapnuyat”, meaning let everybody be happy, let everybody be free from physical or psychic ailments, let everyone see the bright side of everything, let nobody undergo any trouble under the pressure of circumstances due to defective socio-economic philosophy or defective spiritual philosophy. Let everyone enjoy the bliss.

6. Embracing a New Paradigm:

As we stand on the threshold of a new era, we are called to embrace a new paradigm—a paradigm grounded in love, compassion, and interconnectedness. In this paradigm, technology is not seen as a threat but as a tool for facilitating human evolution and enhancing our collective well-being. It is a paradigm that transcends the limitations of the past and embraces the infinite possibilities of the future—a paradigm that honours the sacredness of all life and affirms our shared destiny as co-creators of a more just, equitable, and compassionate world.


In conclusion, the dawn of a new era beckons us to embark on a journey of profound transformation—a journey that transcends the confines of materialism and embraces the boundless potential of spiritual enlightenment. As we navigate this path, let us cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. Let us work tirelessly to dismantle systems of oppression and cultivate a society that honours the inherent divinity of every sentient being. In doing so, we will usher in a new era of peace, harmony, and spiritual fulfilment—for ourselves and for generations to come.

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